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6 Responses to “E3 and Comic Con”

  1. Cindy says:

    I too would also love to visit Comic Con one day. I know it’s a few years old but I recently picked up DMZ by Brian Wood. Highly recommend it if you haven’t read it already.

    Have a good weekend!

    • There’s so many different comics and graphic novels I want to pick up, just don’t have time to go out and grab them, or the money to.

  2. Gillian says:

    I really don’t know, haha.
    What you say about not letting them seeing your face is very true. xD

    In the summer, there’s TONS TO DO! Lol, like going swimming and all, since it’s so hot. 🙂
    Hope you get to go to E3 and Comic con, and you have a great time.

  3. Christine says:

    I’ve never been to a Comic Con but I went to an anime thing similar to that with one of my friends a few years back. It was pretty cool and I played lots of DDR and tried some awesome Japanese teas, lol. I knew nothing about the anime but I did enjoy it!

    • I know nothing about Anime either. Honestly I don’t know much about comic books anymore, but I want to get back into reading them, but I don’t seem to have time to get to a comic book store, especially since I don’t have a car most of the week.

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