I’ve had to get drug tested when I was a teenager, it was one of the many perks of having a troubled youth. I hated having to stand in the bathroom and pee in a cup with a man behind me making sure I wasn’t cheating. Personally I would have preferred the hair test to the pee test, you don’t really have to do anything. I mean just look at the Hair Confirm Teenage Drug Testing Resources, it is a much better than peeing in a cup, especially nowadays that there are drinks that will cleanse your system a day before you go, with a hair test they can’t really cheat.
October 10, 2007
I have never heard of drug testings like this. But all this is done for a noble cause to help the people who are abusing it. So it may be a useful test to help the addicts i believe.
Thanks for sharing a new information.
Keep the work up.