I hated writing term papers. I mean I like to write, don’t get me wrong, but writing about something that I have no interest in is completely boring. I would just BS a lot of my papers in high school and college and still get an A. I thought about getting online term papers, but I knew that if I did that then there was a possibility of getting on academic probation. I mean they are fine if you are just using them as examples, but if you are going to hand them in then it would be wrong. I mean if I had to write something that I had no clue about such as a Business Dissertation or a Finance Thesis then I might buy one to look over and make sure it is in the right format, but otherwise handing it in as your own work is wrong and can get you in a lot of trouble.
January 06, 2008
Kaizers sings in Norwegian, but is very popular in Germany etc. Try downloading a few songs, or watch them on youtube ^^ worth a shot 😉
I’m sure nobody likes or liked ever to write term papers :)))
Sponsored post? Sorry, I just love to guess when they are. I might be wrong even. When I write paid posts and people comment on them as if they are normal posts it makes me feel guilty, even though I don’t write posts I don’t agree with.
Thank you for the comment on my site. I agree, all fashions come back around. I think I will write a post about how to incorporate the twenties style into a modern look. Personally, I can’t wait until nineties style comes back around.
Term papers are a pain, but it just seems lazy to copy one. Using one as a reference is different, but I hate plagiarism and it doesn’t justify getting in so much trouble.
You asked about the Disney art history class on my site. I go to Florida State and I just happened to find it on the course search on accident. There’s only one section of it. I didn’t even know they offered it.
Oh yes. That’s true. I hate writing papers as well. I just stick it out and write, whether it sounds like crap or not.
Blah, thanks for the persuasion of how boring college will be next year for me lol. I was excited too haha.
Yucks, I’m still in High School and I’m getting bad on essays. >: Now I’m dreading university.