When you are living in LA or New York, everything you own has to be made by a famous designer. I am not just talking about your Prada shoes, I am talking everything from your handbag to your sunglasses. Even if the things you own don’t necessarily pertain to you. If your dog has a jacket then that has to be a famous designer as well. You even need to have
designer baby clothes for the little ones. If you are living in one of the fastest city’s in the United States though, why wouldn’t you want to have everything designer?
In those cities you are seen how you dress, so being up on the latest fashion is key to your success as a person and in your career. You wouldn’t want to go to work on Wall Street or into a fashion shoot wearing Walmart based clothing do you? Of course not, and you wouldn’t want your children to be seen in anything less than the best because that could be a reflection of you. Think about it, if you can’t dress your children in the best then how can you be seen wearing the best for yourself? Afterall a mother should come second to her children.