My web host is really bothering me. My website is constantly going up and down and for what I am paying now I can pay someone else for much better Web Hosting Services. With them they guarantee 99% uptime. No more going to Lep’s Lair and hoping that my website loads, I know that it would be up no matter what.I can get 7gigabytes of space and 150 gigabytes of bandwidth each month and not pay a penny more than I already am. Combine that with the 99% uptime and I am seriously thinking of switching over.
If I wanted to switch to a Windows server I could also do that with this new host. A Windows server will allow me to code in ASP. I don’t know ASP, but I did dabble in it a few years ago before I knew PHP even existed. It wouldn’t really provide anything that I can’t do in PHP, but it would allow me to know how to code in ASP so that I could take jobs that require ASP.
Switching Web Hosting might be a good idea for the future, but right now I think I am going to stay where I am for various reasons, but I am going to remember that web host just in case.