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9 Responses to “Back from the Trip”

  1. Jenni says:

    Disposable cameras – they’re better than nothing 😀

    I have an Android phone, I quite like Android but the stubborn Gmail integration is annoying.

  2. Isi says:

    We have sitting charts so we cant seat where ever we want. It’s been better talking to him now, i’m more confident….a bit.

  3. AnneMarie says:

    Ronkonkoma? Where’s that?

    And I’m not sure about the Android. I’ve really been into the “super marketed phones.” I just want a phone with a nifty keyboard that isn’t too big. I miss my ol’ Blackberry Pearl. It was small and had a keyboard. Adorable little thing it was 😛

    Minimum wage is 6-7 dollars? Really I thought it was 8 at least. 😛

  4. Chiui says:

    Wow this is the first time I’ve heard (or read) of this “Ronkonkoma” place… but yay for pictures! Good thing there are disposable cameras. It’s going to suck if you left your cameras and have no alternative :s

  5. Ashley says:

    Man, I haven’t used a disposable camera in so long. The last time I remember using one I was probably in Junior High School and I took it to school to take pictures of all my friends and stuff. I also remember taking one to school with me on a field trip in 5th grade to the Ozarks in Arkansas where I’m from, and I never got it developed.

    I’d like to get a new phone, I’d really like an iphone, but I have some debt to pay off before I can consider getting a phone. eh.

  6. Catherine says:

    Sounds like you had fun =] One thing about me is that I hardly ever take pictures when I go out, I just let other people do it and save them onto my computer from Facebook xD

  7. Misha says:

    This is the first time I’m hearing about Ronkonkoma but it sounds like you had a lot of fun 😀
    I love taking pictures when I go on vacation because I like looking back at them and remembering what an amazing time I had there! 🙂
    Thank god for disposable cameras 😀

  8. Deanna says:

    I would have been so pissed if I had forgotten to take my camera on vacation! I’m glad you were able to get some disposable ones to capture your memories.

  9. Carissa says:

    You remind me, for some reason my laptop will not load CDs with pictures on them. My ancient desktop (I guess not exactly as ancient since my boyfriend tinkered with it, but not anything too spiffy) loads them fine, but if I try to open one with my laptop it freezes. I’ve tried it multiple times and it never fails to freeze, which is really saddening and irritating as I would like to get those pictures onto here. :/

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