Advertising is the key to any successful business. While that statement is very true, it is also very vague. There are many different kinds of advertising. You can have a billboard up on Interstate 80, or you could have a television commercial in rotation at the cable company. Both are effective forms of advertising, but they are also very different.
A lot of smaller companies also don’t think outside the box when it comes to advertising. When they hear that word they instantly think commercials and billboards and anything big that costs a lot of money. The truth is that it doesn’t need to cost that much. There are many cheap ways to advertise. You can print up business cards and leave them at grocery stores, or you could make up a lot of pens and hand them out to random people. You can even print up discount checks that connect to your bank account to use when you are purchasing for your business. The point is that you don’t need to advertise big, you can advertise in a smaller sense that gets out to many individual people.
If you satisfy one person then that person will most likely tell another person, and the tree will grow from there. You would have all those satisfied customers just because you gave away a few free pens.