Comments & Replies

2 Responses to “Don’t Know When the Surgery Is”

  1. elion says:

    I was goolging to find do follow blog and found your blog.

    I am sorry to hear that your mother is silk, wish she will get well soon.

    God bless your mother!!!

  2. Hiro says:

    I know this entry was from a while ago, but I hope there were some progress in the medical aspect for your mother, hospital wise (seems like there was, looking at your Twitter feed updates). Hospitals, especially big ones, are very frustrating, and almost too slow most of the time. I had to deal with them so much in the past year and a half, I completely understand the frustration.

    I hope all works out for your mother.

    And I completely understand about ideas not being executed. I had a layout update that I’ve been trying to code/finish designing for a month now, and I’m so close to just giving up. Meanwhile, I decided to randomly open a blog on a whim a few days ago, and when my friend finishes the illustrations for it, and I finish putting in the content, I’ll be done with that one. Strange how motivations work.

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