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One Response to “Sarah Palin, Advocate for Children”

  1. Vikki says:

    I’m with you on the teaching part; learning from example and hands on is best for just about every child out there. Although, I don’t think that’s what Sarah Palin was talking about. I’m sure she’s more into health care reform for special needs children. Her sister’s child who has autism; and I have a child who does too. The health care restrictions in SOME states are ridiculous. There are so many ‘must haves’ that are not covered in states like MI, IL, OH, MS; where other states like Georgia lead the change. Sarah now has a Down’s syndrome child and I’m sure there are great challenges in health care there too. From my experience, the education system has accepted and learned to enhance the lives of special needs children; its the health care system for these same children that needs help!

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