My credit cards seem to be getting less and less of a payment that is due, but it is the unexpected one time bills that seem to popup every now and then that seem to blind side me. A few months ago I went to the emergency room because I was having trouble breathing, but while the insurance covered most of it, the copay is still outstanding and that is $50.00 that I just don’t have at the moment. I could put it on my credit card and then next month pay it right back, but I really don’t want to add anything else to the card. I guess I will have no choice though.
I just wish these credit cards were paid off already. I could really use some Debt Relief. I’ve been thinking about how I could pay these things off quicker, but so far the only solution I have come up with is to use Credit Card Consolidation. I don’t want to use that, though because I am not that far into the hole, it is just a matter of staying afloat now that is an issue, because of a lack of income due to a less of a demand in work.
I know it won’t last long though, should be over in a few days hopefully, if not then I am sure I could come up with other ways to make some money.