I downloaded the Spiderman: Friend or Foe demo. I don’t know if it is supposed to be a sequel to Spiderman 3 or not, but it does have Harry alive and well in his New Goblin costume. I am not sure what that means considering he was Spiderman’s enemy in the comic and the new costume only showed up in the movies. Well besides that, the demo is missing what I have come to love from recent superhero games. I miss the idea of going all over the city, instead you are confined into predefined levels.
My biggest problem with the game is the fact that Venom doesn’t have a web line, in fact Venom is slower than usual, and that is annoying because he is my favorite character. I couldn’t bare to play the game through again as Spiderman and Green Goblin, so I just played it once as Spiderman and Venom.
All in all the video game seems like it would be lacking for anyone over the age of 10. If predefined levels don’t bother you, then you might like this game, but I for one don’t even want to look at it until they open up a sandbox style game.