I found AndrewTalk.com and I think it is pretty interesting. He blogs about everything, kinda like I do. From making money to personal stuff, to…
I found AndrewTalk.com and I think it is pretty interesting. He blogs about everything, kinda like I do. From making money to personal stuff, to…
The one call that was asking about the loan, was actually a credit card company and it was for Krissy. If we can get enough…
I’ve been interested in investing in the stock market for a while now, I just am afraid I would lose all my money, especially with…
I’ve got some phone calls to make, I have to cancel this one thing I ordered for my credit report because I don’t want to…
It has always been my dream to own my own business.I’m talking like a startup video game company, or a programming firm. I think I…
My cousin is diabetic. He has a diabetic pump, instead of insulin shots. I’ve watched him a few times, it is really much more convenient…
Do you know what September 21st is? Well besides being my birthday, it is World Alzheimer’s Day. World Alzheimer’s Day is a day when people…
I took myself off hiatus with Despair and Excentrique. I should be able to comment on sites again without getting behind, plus it might help…
I love Ray-ban Sunglasses, the problem with that is they are very expensive. My all time favorite sunglasses are the ones that Morpheus wore in…
This whole lack of funds, trying to get out to Ohio to even look at the place thing is really taking a toll on Krissy…
I’ve had Comcast since I moved to Delaware. I have to say they aren’t bad. Before I moved, the internet would go out every few…
It is T minus one week until Halo 3 comes out. The ending has already been leaked onto the internet. It is pretty much how…