I don’t use my computer for gaming, I used to for some RTS, but mainly that is what my XBox is for. Because I don’t,…
I don’t use my computer for gaming, I used to for some RTS, but mainly that is what my XBox is for. Because I don’t,…
Halo 3 comes out on Tuesday. I might be obsessed, but I love these epic story lines. Plus Halo 2 has been the majority of…
We may have figured out a way to actually afford to move. It involves getting a cheap mortgage and working our butts off, but I…
My birthday was all right, didn’t do much due to the fact of the lack of funds. We need to save everything we can for…
Yes it is my birthday, send me stuff!
Beautiful isn’t it? That’s the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia. I would love go visit Australia one day. To see the Sydney Harbour or the…
I’ve been addicted to the Office for a few years now, well this is the first time I am watching the season finale, and I…
I found AndrewTalk.com and I think it is pretty interesting. He blogs about everything, kinda like I do. From making money to personal stuff, to…
The one call that was asking about the loan, was actually a credit card company and it was for Krissy. If we can get enough…
I’ve been interested in investing in the stock market for a while now, I just am afraid I would lose all my money, especially with…
I’ve got some phone calls to make, I have to cancel this one thing I ordered for my credit report because I don’t want to…
It has always been my dream to own my own business.I’m talking like a startup video game company, or a programming firm. I think I…