Today is Krissy’s 24th birthday. Head on over to her site and wish her a happy birthday. I am taking her and a whole bunch…
Happy 24th Birthday Krissy
Wanted: Inspiration
As I sit here, I realize that I have nothing to do and I realize that there are lots of nights when I have nothing…
Where the Hell Have I Been?
Has it really been over a week since my last entry? Money seems to be evening itself out, though I still need to be making…
I Need Money
I need more money, I spent money on my brakes, an oil change, and food for the person who did the brakes and the oil…
I want My Stuff
I have been trying to figure out the bus schedule so that I can take it to go to Delaware pack for a few days…
Bar Stool Shopping
We are heading out to check out bar stools with Lucy. She just got one of those traveling wet bars, I think they are called,…
Balancing the Budget
I think money is on everyone’s minds these days. Krissy and I sat down this morning and discussed everything and we agreed that we need…
Aunt’s Buying Children’s Furniture
My aunt moved her father into her house, and in doing so moved one of her sons to the den. Now she has decided tat…
The 21st Century Family
Politicians are saying that the American family is failing, but what they don’t realize is that while the family structure may be changing, it is…
Zenni Optical
I need new eyeglasses. Mine are all scratched and that scratch resistant coating that is on there is coming off. I should have probably gotten…
Candy Corn
Candy corn never tastes better than it does in October. In November they have that brown candy corn, and in December you may be lucky…
Krissy wants to Decorate
Krissy has been going crazy looking at Bedroom Decor. I can understand she wants it to look nice and for us to be comfortable and…