I love martial arts. I have never taken a class, but I have always wanted to. I have been looking into sparring gear lately. I am not planning on taking a class yet, or anything like that, I just think that it would be cool to have along with my sword and a few other weapons I want to purchase. I think it would be cool to have a ninja costume that I could wear on Halloween or whenever. I could also get a Karate uniform and a black belt and trick people into thinking I am a black belt. I can be weird like that at times.
November 15, 2007
Dude, go for the full-on ninja look, no one can tell a ninja what to do. Not that I’ve abused this in the past, but trust me, it’s sweet!
These are all different forms of martial arts. The UFC has become extremely big over time. Mixed Martial Arts has overtaken boxing in terms of tickets being sold.I would like to know your opinion on this