I’m always looking for better ways to keep all my files together and more organized, especially now that I work from home. The problem is that I have a laptop and am sometimes away from the desktop computer, but I have found an easy solution to that little problem. There is an affordable and easy way to receive remote access from your main computer to other computers around the world. The solution is Remote PC. With a 30 day free trial and plans as low as 4.95 a month, I might consider doing this if I know I am going to be going away a lot.
July 12, 2007
You say this like people don’t know about remote access. Too bad you have to pay for it, which is ridiculous.
Is this an advertising blog?
hey man that’s cool. but the not-so-cool part there is you hafta pay for that. i’ll love that remote-access-thing if it’s for free *grins*