Comments & Replies

7 Responses to “Pushing People Around”

  1. Tiff says:

    I love grocery shopping! Although I kind of take the longest time to shop because there are so many things I want to buy.

    If you want to know about Connor.

  2. Jamie says:

    I know it was messed up. I was testing it out. Thanks for pointing it out though. Grocery shopping is alright if you don’t have to run to the store every other day for something stupid.

  3. Eunice says:

    LOL @ the win-win situation. Quite correct. I hate it when people randomly obstruct my walking path as well. I’m the kind of person who really hates walking slowly, so yea.

    I like reading articles. I recommend websites to my friends when they have interesting designs or awesome articles.

  4. Merii-Beth says:

    what kind of content do you like to see on websites? i’d like to see graphics or possibly things that help other sites. (:

    What will make you tell your friends about this site? hmm, something cool like a forum or a social network. xD

    Are you interested in being an affiliate? of course. 🙂

    + haha you’re totally right about the grocery shoppers.

  5. Angelica says:

    Ohhh how I hate those slow people! The worst thing is when two people stop and talk in the middle of the isle. It’s like, HEY, some of us are actually walking here!

  6. Merii-Beth says:

    nope, not yet..but i should go check out your graphics now. 🙂

    + ohh ohkai. 🙂
    what were you thinking for the members section?
    i suggest putting up maybe a forum or something. 🙂 the members should have like some secret advantages to your site as well.

  7. Cecilie says:

    Haha, great post.

    It’s extremely annoying when you’re in a rush, and the people infront of you walk slowly.

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