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11 Responses to “3 Years Together”

  1. Jamie says:

    Congratulations on your guys’ anniversary. I for one did not know there was a 100 sit up or push up challenge. Thanks for telling me. I’ll give it a go tomorrow.

  2. Dayze says:

    aww yayy congrats, 3 years is quite a long time. you need to take pictures and let us see 😉

  3. Merii-Beth says:

    awh that’s soo cuute that you and Krissy have been together for three years!

    +, i live in toronto, so i’m not that far away. maybe about an hour and a half drive. xD

  4. Christine says:

    Congrats on your anniversary!! I hope you guys had fun going out to Bertucci’s and to a movie. =] 3 years is a wonderful thing.

    And of course I know VS models aren’t robots, lol. I drip sarcasm, haha.

  5. isi says:

    Happy anniversary 😀 its soo cute lol
    i found another computer, i heard mac wasn’t good. soo i’m getting a windows vista one. its a sony computer. it cost around 500 bucks.

  6. Kris says:

    Aw, I know everyone has already said it, but happy anniversary! 3 years is definitely significant. Hope you guys have fun, however you end up celebrating. 🙂

  7. Jen says:

    Happy Anniversary. I love Bertucci’s bread too. We really liked 500 Days of Summer. It isn’t your typical romantic comedy.

    Oh and re: the comment you left on my blog–I love The Big Bang Theory. Funniest show on tv right now!!

  8. Chrys says:

    Awh, that’s so cute. Three years together is a long time though. I’ve never had a relationship last more than 3 months… Hahaha. But oh wells. You seem to have everything planned out for your day together, so I hope everything goes amazing.

    Shame that your GF works for a shit company 🙁 I guess someone has to =/

    Yeah, I know what you mean about me looking for a job even though I’m going on holiday. But that’s why I specifically looked for jobs that had were looking for “Aushilfe” which is like jobs for helping out, not permanent ones. In which case they are just happy that they’ve got someone to help out. Not a big deal really that I’m going on holiday =P

  9. Do says:

    oh that’s pretty great.. each day we feed them they come back for sure. 😀

  10. Amy says:

    I wondered why some series’ were shown at the same time. I just guessed that it’d come out too late to hold back from anyone.

    Happy Anniversary!! Hope you have a great time, whatever you do.

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