Behaviour Entertainment’s flag ship game is going into it’s seventh year and they did a live stream to celebrate. They talked about the next 12 months of Dead by Daylight and the next chapter(s?) that are coming up. Were the leaks accurate? Let’s talk about it.
Dead by Daylight Chapter 24
The chapter is officially called Roots of Dread and it comes with a killer, survivor, and map. Right now it is on the PTB, with an official release date for June 7th, 2022. As we reported earlier, the new killer is the Dredge. The survivor is Haddie Kaur. The map is Garden of Joy. The Dredge is supposed to be the boogyman, the fear that we all had growing up. The map is part of a small town and a lovely house in this town. What’s interesting about the map is they said it’s not specific to these characters. It will have variations for different ones. With them almost done redoing all of the maps to the new engine, it is possible that it would be faster to redo this map numerous times for future updates.
The killer perks as previously reported are:
- Septic Touch: Whenever a survivor performs the healing action within your terror radius, that survivor suffers from blindness and exhaustion, it lingers for 6 seconds after healing is interrupted by any means. This unlockable perk is unlocked in the Bloodweb at level 40.
- Darkness Revealed: When you open a locker, the auras of all survivors within 16 meters of any lockers are revealed for 3 seconds. This perk has a 30 second cool down. This unlockable perk is unlocked in the Bloodweb at level 35.
- Dissolution: 3 seconds after injuring a survivor by any means, Dissolution activates for 12 seconds. The next time a survivor fast vaults over a pallet inside your terror radius, the Entity will break the pallet at the end of the vault and the perk deactivates. This unlockable perk is unlocked in the Bloodweb at level 30.
Haddie Kaur’s perks are:
- Residual Manifest: After a successful killer blind, the killer is affected by blindness for 30 seconds. The perk also allows you to rummage through an opened chest once per Trial and guarantee a basic flashlight.
- Inner Focus: You can see other survivor’s scratch marks within a 32 meter range of you. Whenever another survivor loses a health state within a 32 meter range of you, the killer’s aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds.
- Overzealous: After cleansing a totem, your generator repair speed is increased by 4%. This perk deactivates when you lose a health state by any means.
The killer’s powers will be that he can teleport to lockers, this will provide him a fast way to get around the map.

Chapter 25?
Early in the show they announced that the RPD map, the one that came with the Resident Evil chapter would be getting different variants. Later in the show they announced something called Resident Evil Project W. This is more than likely related to the RPD map variants. It would be odd for them to announce the next chapter so early. It wouldn’t be unfound though. The Ringu was announced in December and released in March. If this is the 25th Chapter, then we could expect Wesker as a killer, with Ada Wong, and Rebecca Chambers as survivors.
Perk Updates
Without mentioning what they are, it was announced that 40 perks on both survivor and killer are going to be reworked. Right now, there are perks that survivors and killers typically run, these are known as meta perks. The goal is to change them enough so they aren’t meta. This means that Hex: Ruin, BBQ and Chili, Dead Hard (which never works anyway), Decisive Strike, along with many others will be reworked. They’re hoping to roll that out this summer.
There’s also going to be preset loadouts. You can have three set of perks as well as different outfit sets ready to go. This means that if you want to do a meme build, you will be able to just choose it and the perks will be there ready to go. It will also work the same way with the outfits and charms.
The Shrine of Secrets is going to be getting an overhaul too. If you have level 1 of a perk, you can now buy level 2 of that perk, but how does that make sense if every perk needs to be unlocked? Let’s find out.
Prestige Updates
We’ve all been there, we reach level 50 of a character’s blood web and we have the option to either Prestige and lose everything, or just stay at level 50. The update will let you prestige and unlock that character’s perks on every character. This means the game will be a lot less grindy. If you prestige three times, level 3 of those perks will be unlocked for every character.
This will be a big help for me especially, since I’ve been trying to level everyone up and get all perks, but I’m only on Jake. Prestiging a character also won’t make you lose any perks, items or addons. You can also Prestige passed three levels for more rewards. Personally, I was hoping for a blood web option of selecting a perk at the start of a blood web and it automatically making a path to that. This seems like an even better option.
Game Updates
There will be a new layout for the main menu, which will now include an incentive for playing either killer or survivor, whichever role is needed more will give you bloodpoints for playing it. You will also be able to see how long until the Rift ends right on the new main menu and not going into it to check.
A big new feature, one that arguably should have been in the game for a while, is the ability to check the store, check archives, etc while you are waiting for a match. This means that you can set a challenge while in queue for a match. Speaking of queue, you will have more than one challenge now. You will have a killer one and a survivor one, this way you won’t play killer and accidentally only be on a survivor challenge. You’ll also be able to view full Rift outfits.
Mori Updates
They are going to be redoing moris. It will soon automatically start a mori as soon as you down the last survivor. This means that killers will no longer be able to carry the last survivor to the hatch. If they want to give them the hatch, they will need to walk there. This also means that the momento mori will either get reworked or removed completely. We will probably see a rework of ebony and ivory moris as well in the future.
When Nemesis came out, he came with two AI controlled zombies. It was teased that they like to rework assets they have when asked if other characters would come with AI bots. Bots will be available in custom games for you to play with or against. This means that you will be able to practice playing with perks or against killers without affecting your rank. It also means that you won’t have to do 3v1 games if you’re missing an extra person.
Dead by Daylight has been very careful about doing crossovers. They usually limit it to other horror icons. Today they announced an Attack on Titan crossover.

This is the first time Dead by Daylight is collaborating with an anime. You will be able to get skins and looks inspired by the show. There are ten planned Attack on Titan outfits coming to the game soon. They showed off three pieces of concept art for the crossover. First is Oni as the Armored Titan. Second is Dwight as Eren. The third is Zarina as Hange.

Dead by Daylight Mobile
DBD Mobile is getting a huge update soon. Leader boards, a social system, quick matches, improved control layout, new reward, and more are coming. There will be a closed beta test coming in the next few weeks for these new updates. Once the closed beta is online, you will be able to sign up to it via the app stores.
Hooked on You

The biggest WTF moment came when a DBD Dating Sim was announced. “I Love You, Colonel Sanders!” developer Psyop is working on “Hooked on You: A Dead by Daylight Dating Sim.” You’ll be able to flirt with killers on Murderer’s Island. I guess all that Rule34 art finally paid off. You can expect to enjoy the humor, romance, and horror this summer.
What do you think, are you excited for these changes? Are you excited for the new dating simulator? I was hoping for a change to the way you open the doors or work on generators, but these are some welcome changes. I’m oddly looking forward to Hooked on You as well. It’s an absurd concept that seems like it would be a lot of fun.