As you have probably noticed, my website is sometimes used to make money through advertising. I belong to a few websites who pay me to blog about topics of my choosing, but PayPerPost is by far the best one there is. Their blog marketing is one of the best that is out there.
I’ve been active with them since about June and I have made over a thousand dollars with them. Now when Krissy first told me about PayPerPost, I thought she was just blowing smoke, because she had made a lot of money with them, but when I tried it I was really surprised about how much money I could make without selling out and writing about things that I normally wouldn’t write about. Yes I wouldn’t word things the way they would like them worded, but I am still posting about something that I would any other time, only I am getting paid for it.
How it works is that you select an opportunity and then you post that opportunity in your blog, if they deny it, you can resubmit and try again, if and when they approve it, thirty days after the entry was posted, you get money sent directly to your PayPal account. It is very easy, and it is a great way to earn some cash.