One of my friends from high school, Susan Spahr passed away on Friday. While I was planning on getting up there for the wake tomorrow, and coming back late tomorrow night, I realize I can’t do this due to the fact that I have far too much work to do in Accounting. I have accounting on Thursday and I would get back far too late Wednesday to make it there by 8:30AM.
After graduation these people who you’ve known for years, all go on to bigger and better things. An unreturned phone call here and there, and you don’t really think much about it, until something like this happens. She had a baby about a month ago, and I didn’t even know she was pregnant. I think the last time I spoke to her, is when I was in Brookdale and she was telling me all about how she joined the Campus Crusade for Christ. Some unread blogs left me in the dark about her pregnancy until Sunday night, when I had heard that she had passed away.
These last few days I’ve been away from the computer, as some of you could tell in my not responding on IM, but just checking email when the time came. This is the third time in the last 13 months someone has died that I cared about. I think it’s a wakeup call. I don’t want to be going through life wondering what if or whatnot, I want to live. Last May I did the most irrational thing and picked up for a week and went to Ohio to meet a girl. Was it the safest thing to do? No. Will I ever forget driving through West Virginia through the mountains? Never. I implore you to go out and do one thing that scares you, one thing that is unlike you, one thing that you’ve never done before. Carpe Diem.