Along with movies, 2025 features anniversaries of some pretty big games as well. Unfortunately not all of these are available to buy or stream on modern devices so going back and playing some might be harder to do than others.
- Pong (50th)
- Space Invaders (45th)
- Donkey Kong (45th)
- Pac-Man (45th)
- Super Mario Bros. (40th)
- Duck Hunt (40th)
- The Legend of Zelda (40th)
- Metroid (40th)
- Chrono Trigger (30th)
- Tekken 2 (30th)
- Command & Conquer (30th)
- Twisted Metal (30th)
- Time Crisis (30th)
- Resident Evil 4 (20th)
- God of War (20th)
- NBA Street (20th)
- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (20th)
- Mass Effect 2 (15th)
- Red Dead Redemption (15th)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (10th)
- Life is Strange (10th)
- Super Mario Maker (10th)
- Bloodborne (10th)
It seems so surreal how old some of these games are. Red Dead Redemption does not look that old. Some of these should definitely get a remake or remaster soon, or even just a sequel. Twisted Metal’s sequel was reportedly cancelled, but the show should return for season 2 soon, so maybe that will renew interest in the games. Resident Evil 9 should be shown soon, especially if the rumored 2025 release date is real. A God of War remaster/remake is rumored to be in the world and the 20th anniversary would be a good time to release it. Metroid Prime 4 should be released this year, possibly even a launch title for the Nintendo Switch successor.
Do you want to see any of these games remastered, remade, or rebooted? Are you going to be playing any of these classics this year? Let us know in the comments.