Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection is an action adventure video game developed by Bluepoint Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. It’s a remaster of the first three games in the Uncharted franchise that was developed by Naughty Dog. Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection was released on October 9, 2015.

Let's play Uncharted Drake's Fortune
Uncharted Drake’s Fortune
Nathan Drake hired journalist Elena Fisher to document his adventure of recovering the coffin of Sir Francis Drake. Nathan found the location on a ring that he wears around his neck. He claims that Francis Drake is his ancestor and the ring is a family heirloom. Inside the coffin is not a body, but Francis Drake’s diary. The diary reveals the location of El Dorado, an ancient city said to be filled with gold. The two don’t have time to plan a trip there before they are attacked by pirates. Luckily Nathan’s friend and father figure, Sully rescues them in his plane.
After abandoning Elena, Sully and Nate head to the island where the city El Dorado is supposed to be. They don’t find a city, but instead discover that El Dorado is a golden idol. While searching the island, they find a Nazi U-boat that has a page from Drake’s diary showing that the statue was taken to another island. Before him and Sully can leave the island, mercenaries lead by Gabriel Roman and Atoq Navarro show up and are tired of waiting for Sully to pay his debts. They shoot Sully in the chest and Nate manages to escape and runs into Elena who is there chasing the story.

Nice place you have here, guys
El Dorado
Nathan and Elena are flying to the location revealed on the new page of the diary when they are hit by anti-aircraft fire. They bail out and are separated. Nathan is captured by pirates led by a former associate Eddy Raja. Elena finds Nathan and breaks him out. While following the clues regarding the statue, the two see Sully is alive and leading Raja and Roman. They rescue Sully and discover that he survived because the bullet hit Nathan’s diary and he was just trying to buy time by working with them.
While searching the island, they eventually discover the body of Francis Drake. Assuming he died searching for the treasure, they soon encounter Eddy who’s fearing for his life. They were running from mutated humans that eventually kill Eddy. Once Elena and Nathan escape from the mutants, they discover that Germans were seeking the statue during World War II, but became cursed from the statue, causing them to be mutants. Francis Drake knew about the curse and tried to keep it contained to the island before being killed by the mutants.
Roman and Navarro end up capturing Elena and despite their best efforts, Sully and Nathan cannot prevent them from reaching the statue. Navarro knows all about the curse and tricks Roman into opening the statue. Inside is a mummy infected with a virus. Once Roman is mutated, Navarro kills him and takes charge of his men. He’s going to sell the virus as a bio weapon. Nathan ends up sinking the statue and Navarro to the bottom of the ocean. After Sully arrives with his plane, the three leave the island with a few chests filled with treasure.

Let's play Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves
A few years after Drake’s Fortune, Nathan is approached by his former associates Harry Flynn and Chloe Frazer. They want him to help steal a Mongolian oil lamp that had to do with Marco Polo’s 1292 voyage from China. The group plans to cheat Flynn’s client, while Nathan and Chloe plan on running away together after the job. Nathan and Flynn break into a museum and find the lamp. They discover that Polo’s fleet was shipwrecked in Borneo while carrying the Cintamani Stone from the legendary city of Shambhala. Flynn double crosses Nathan and leaves him to be arrested and thrown in an Istanbul jail.
After three months in jail, Chloe and Sully free Nathan. Chloe reveals that Flynn is working for Zoran Lazarevi?, a Serbian war criminal. After sneaking into Lazarevi?’s camp, Sully and Nathan discover that the stone was still in Shambhala. They find a temple where Napoleon’s crew perished that held a phurba and a map to Shambhala. Chloe and Nathan continue to Nepal, where Shambhala is said to be, while Sully backs out.
In Nepal, the pair encounter Nathan’s ex-girlfriend, Elena and her cameraman, Jeff. The pair dated and broke up in the time between games. Lazarevi? is also in town and they run into him while Chloe continues her undercover ruse. He ends up killing Jeff and takes Shambhala’s location right before Nathan and Elena can escape.
Nathan catches up to Lazarevi?’s train and after getting shot by Flynn, causes an explosion that ends up derailing the train. After recovering the phurba, Nathan passes out. When Nathan wakes up, he discovers a Tibetan Sherpa, Tenzin, saved him. Tenzin brought Nathan to his village where he is reunited with Elena and meets an explorer Karl Schäfer. Schäfer failed to get the Cintamani Stone decades earlier. He lets Nathan and Tenzin know where his expedition left off and they go off through the caves.

Well this is a nice jungle you have here
Strange Monsters
In the caves they discover strange monsters. After fighting them off, they find that Schäfer was working for the Nazi Ahnenerbe. He ended up killing his crew to protect the world from the stone. When the pair go back to the village to confront Schäfer, they find it under attack. Lazarevi? kidnaps Schäfer and steals the phurba back. Elena and Nathan follow Lazarevi? to a monastery where Schäfer warns them to destroy the stone, it was too dangerous for Lazarevi? to get. Schäfer then succumbed to his wounds.
Chloe ends up giving Nathan the phurba back, but Lazarevi? walks in on them. Chloe can’t talk her way out of it this time and her cover is blown. Lazarevi? forces Nathan to open the way to Shambhala, but are attacked by the monsters. Lazarevi? kills them and reveals that they are just costumed guardians protecting the stone.
Nathan, Elena, and Chloe are able to escape and while traversing the city, they discover the Cintamani Stone is amber from the sap of an ancient tree of life. The sap gives whoever drinks it inhuman powers, which explains the guardians. Flynn, who was left for dead by his former partner, attacks them and severely injures Elena. Nathan has to leave her to take out Lazarevi? who has drank the sap. Nathan is able to defeat him by blowing up the resin, but in doing so, the city starts to collapse.
Nathan rushes back to Elena and Chloe and they carry Elena back to the village. Chloe tells Nathan to get back with Elena, since he clearly still loves her. She leaves the couple alone to reconcile.

Let's play Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception
Uncharted 3 Drake’s Deception
A few years after Uncharted 2, Nathan and Sully meet with a man, Talbot, who wants to buy Nathan’s ring. The ring is the same one from Uncharted 1, the one that belonged to Sir Francis Drake. When the two accuse Talbot of having counterfeit money, a fight breaks out. Talbot’s associate, Charlie Cutter quickly overwhelm them. During this, their employer Katherine Marlow steals the ring before Cutter shoots Nathan and Sully then leaves them for dead.
Nathan’s Childhood
Twenty years prior, Nathan was attempting to steal Sir Francis Drake’s ring from a museum in Colombia. He’s not the only one, Marlowe was also trying to steal the ring at the same time. She’s working with Sully to get it. Before they can enact their plan, Nathan already has the ring, but Marlowe isn’t happy about it and has her men try and get it back. When Nathan is caught by them, Sully steps in and rescues him, taking him on and teaching him everything he knows.

Nathan and Sully are left for dead in an alley.
Present Day
Cutter comes back to the alley to check on Nathan and Sully, who are unharmed. Cutter is really working with them. The group, along with Chloe, follow Marlowe to a hidden library to retrieve a map. The map is Francis Drake’s journey to Arabia to find the lost city of Ubar. Nathan finds one half of the amulet, but is ambushed by Talbot who steals the piece of the amulet and then sets the place on fire.
After escaping the fire, the team heads to Syria, where they learn that Marlowe is head of the same order Francis Drake belonged to. They find the other half of the amulet, but are attacked by Marlowe and Talbot again. While running from them, Cutter breaks his leg and him and Chloe decide to back out of this adventure.
In Yemen Nathan and Sully meet with Nathan’s estranged wife Elena. She reluctantly agrees to help them, but when checking out a tomb, Nathan is shot with a with a dart and begins hallucinating. During his hallucinations, he is kidnapped by Marlowe and Talbot. Marlowe reveals that Nathan’s name isn’t Drake, it was something he adopted in the orphanage. Nate believes that they also captured Sully and goes chasing down Talbot. While on a ship looking for Sully, he learns that they don’t have him and he sinks the ship, killing a lot of Marlowe’s men.

This is a desert, Nathan. We have to find some shelter
When Nathan gets back to land, Elena tells him that Sully had been taken by Marlowe and she was forcing him to lead him to Ubar. Nathan sneaks on a cargo plane, but is soon discovered. The plane is destroyed and crashes in the desert while Nathan escaped with a parachute. Nathan wanders the desert and comes across Tablot’s men in an abandoned town. He is outgunned, but is rescued by a Bedouin troop being lead by Salim. Salim and Nathan rescue Sully, but Salim is separated from the other two by a sandstorm.
When they come out of the sandstorm, Sully and Nathan find the entrance to Ubar. Nathan immediately goes to a fountain after being dehydrated by the desert sun. Talbot shows up and kills Sully. Nathan chases down Talbot, but comes across Sully, discovering that it was another hallucination. Sully discovers that the water is tainted and causing them.
Nathan and Sully find Marlowe trying to recover King Solomon’s ship. Nathan destroys her device, but causes the city to start collapsing in. Marlowe falls into a sinkhole and Nathan tries to save her, but she falls to her death, taking the ring with her. Talbot fights Nathan, but is soon engulfed in a sinkhole too. Salim shows up and rescues the pair. Before returning home, Sully returns Nathan’s wedding ring that he’s been secretly holding. Nathan gives the ring to Elenda and the three fly home.
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered
Platinum trophy
Unlock all Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy trophy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal trophy
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard trophy
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing trophy
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure trophy
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 10 Treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 20 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 30 Treasures
Professional Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 40 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 50 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 60 Treasures
Relic Finder trophy
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection trophy
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots trophy
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots trophy
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert trophy
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Brutal Brawler trophy
Kill 5 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Slugger trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Brutal Combo
Brutal Expert trophy
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Brutal Combo
Triple Dyno-Might! trophy
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Dyno-Might Master trophy
Kill 3 Enemies with 1 Explosion 5 Times
Hangman trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman trophy
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Run-and-Gunner trophy
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist trophy
Kill 5 Enemies with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert trophy
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja trophy
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Survivor trophy
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
20 Kills: Desert – 5 trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with the Desert 5
20 Kills: Wes – 44 trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with the Wes – 44
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4 trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: M79 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the M79
30 Kills: MP40 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the MP40
50 Kills: PM – 9mm trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the PM – 9mm
50 Kills: Moss – 12 trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the Moss – 12
50 Kills: AK-47 trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the AK-47
Shoot Some B-Roll For Elena trophy
Explore Photo Mode
These Walls Can’t Stop Me trophy
Beat Chapter 5 – The Fortress in less than 10 minutes
Up a Short Creek Without a Paddle trophy
Beat Chapter 12 – Heading upriver in less than 5 minutes
A Speedy Reunion trophy
Beat Chapter 16 – The Treasure Vault in less than 7 minutes
Charted! – Brutal trophy
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers trophy
Defeat 5 Decendants With a Sniper Rifle
Cosplay trophy
Kill an Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Fortunately trophy
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious trophy
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Follow the Leader trophy
Compare Statistics with Friends
Need for Speed trophy
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 2 Hours and 30 Minutes
Cheater Cheater trophy
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered
Platinum trophy
Earn all Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy trophy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal trophy
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard trophy
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing trophy
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure trophy
Find 1 Treasure
Novice Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 20 Treasures
Intermediate Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 40 Treasures
Proficient Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder trophy
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection trophy
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots trophy
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
250 Headshots trophy
Defeat 250 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert trophy
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knucle Brawler
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knucle Slugger trophy
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knuckle Expert trophy
Defeat 10 Enemies in a row with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-might Master trophy
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Hangman trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman trophy
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Run-and-Gunner trophy
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Steel Fist Master trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with a Single Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Steel Fist Expert trophy
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Single-Punch After Weakening Them with Gunfire
Master Ninja trophy
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Survivor trophy
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
30 Kills: Mk-NDI trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Desert – 5 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Desert 5
30 Kills: Wes – 44 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Wes – 44
50 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
50 Kills: 92FS-9mm trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the 92FS – 9mm
50 Kills: M4 trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the M4
50 Kills: Micro-9mm trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the Micro-9mm
30 Kills: Moss – 12 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Moss – 12
30 Kills: RPG-7 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
50 Kills: SAS-12 trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the SAS-12
20 Kills: Pistole trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with the Pistole
50 Kills: M32-Hammer trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the M32-Hammer
50 Kills: FAL trophy
Kill 50 Enemies with the FAL
New Paparazzi in town trophy
Explore Photo Mode
Staying Dry trophy
Beat Chapter 3 – Borneo in less than 6 minutes 30 seconds
Quick Jaunt Through a Warzone trophy
Beat Chapter 5 – Urban Warfare in less than 7 minutes 30 seconds
Bullet Train from Hell trophy
Beat Chapter 13 – Locomotion in less than 7 minutes
Charted! – Brutal trophy
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers trophy
Defeat 5 Guardians With a Sniper Rifle
Cosplay trophy
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Among Thieves trophy
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
Too Fat Too Furious trophy
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Take Me to Your Leader trophy
Compare Statistics with Friends
Needer for Speeder trophy
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 3 Hours and 30 minutes
Cheat Hard to Cheat Harder trophy
Activate a Tweak
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered
Platinum trophy
Earn all Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Remastered Trophies
Charted! – Easy trophy
Finish the Game on Easy Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Normal trophy
Finish the Game on Normal Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Hard trophy
Finish the Game on Hard Without Changing the Difficulty
Charted! – Crushing trophy
Finish the Game on Crushing Without Changing the Difficulty
First Treasure trophy
Find 1 Treasure
Apprentice Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 20 Treasures
Skilled Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 40 Treasures
Adept Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 60 Treasures
Expert Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 80 Treasures
Master Fortune Hunter trophy
Find 100 Treasures
Relic Finder trophy
Find the Strange Relic
Master Thief Collection trophy
Find all Treasures and the Strange Relic
20 Headshots trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Headshots
100 Headshots trophy
Kill 100 Enemies with Headshots
Headshot Expert trophy
Kill 5 Enemies in a Row with Headshots
Bare-knuckle Brawler trophy
Defeat 20 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Bare-knuckle Slugger trophy
Defeat 50 Enemies with Hand-to-Hand Combat
Dyno-Might Master trophy
Kill 5 Enemies with 1 Explosion
Hangman trophy
Kill 20 Enemies with Gunfire While Hanging
Grenade Hangman trophy
Kill 10 Enemies with Grenades While Hanging
Run-and-Gunner trophy
Kill 20 Enemies by Shooting from the Hip (without aiming)
Combat Leapfrog trophy
Kill 10 Enemies in a Row, Alternating Hand-to-Hand Combat and Gunfire
Master Ninja trophy
Kill 50 Enemies by Melee-Attacking from Behind
Survivor trophy
Kill 75 Enemies in a Row Without Dying
Side Arm Master trophy
Defeat 30 Enemies in a Row with Your Side Arm
Reload Master trophy
Defeat 50 Enemies in a Row Without Auto-Reloading
Blindfire Marksman trophy
Defeat 20 Enemies by Blind-Firing While in Cover (without aiming)
Throwback trophy
Defeat 10 Enemies with Thrown-Back Grenades
Throwback Master trophy
Throw Back a Grenade and Defeat 2 Enemies at Once
He’s gonna Need a Sturgeon trophy
Hit 3 Enemies with Fish in the Market
Riot Rocker trophy
Kill 5 Riot Shield Enemies by Running Over Their Shield
Land Shark trophy
Defeat 20 Enemies While Swimming
Brute Beater trophy
Succesfully Counter all of a Brute’s Damage-Giving Attacks
Marco Solo trophy
Play in the Swimming Pool on the Cruise Ship
30 Kills: Mk-NDI trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with Mk-NDI Grenades
30 Kills: Dragon Sniper trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Dragon Sniper
30 Kills: M9 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the M9
30 Kills: RPG-7 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the RPG-7
30 Kills: SAS-12 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the SAS-12
30 Kills: Arm Micro trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Arm Micro
30 Kills: G-MAL trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the G-MAL
30 Kills: KAL-7 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the KAL-7
30 Kills: Mag 5 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Mag 5
30 Kills: PAK-80 trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the PAK-80
30 Kills: T-Bolt Sniper trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the T-Bolt Sniper
30 Kills: Tau Sniper trophy
Kill 30 Enemies with the Tau Sniper
Photobomb trophy
Explore Photo Mode
Outrun the Flames trophy
Beat ’Chapter 7- Stay in the Light’ in less than 9 minutes 30 seconds
Catch that Plane! trophy
Beat ’Chapter 16 – One Shot at This’ in less than 12 minutes
My Horse is Faster trophy
Beat ’Chapter 20 – Caravan’ in less than 15 minutes
Charted! – Brutal trophy
Finish the Game on Brutal Without Changing the Difficulty
Supernatural Born Killers trophy
Defeat 5 Djinn With a Sniper Rifle
Cosplay trophy
Kill and Enemy While Playing as an Alternate Character Costume Other Than Drake
YOLO Deceptively trophy
Beat the Last Chapter Without Dying on Normal Difficulty or Harder
The Fat and the Furious Yemen Drifter trophy
Complete a Continuous Speed Run as Doughnut Drake
Leader of the Pack trophy
Compare statistics with Friends
Neediest for Speediest trophy
Achieve a Complete Speed Run Time of Less than 4 Hours 15 Minutes
Cheaters Gonna Cheat trophy
Activate a Tweak