Uncharted: Lost Legacy is an action adventure game developed by Naughty Dog. It was published by Sony Interactive and is a standalone expansion of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End. The game was released on Playstation 4 on August 22, 2017. It was then remastered for Playstation 5 on January 28, 2022. Windows will be getting a port of the game sometime in 2022.
This time around, you aren’t playing as Nathan Drake, but as his old partner Chloe Frazer. She’s searching for the tusk of Ganesh, son of the Hindu god Shiva. Chloe has a personal history with this quest, as her father died looking for the tusk. While in India, she meets up with mercenary Nadine Ross and discover that India’s insurgent leader is an old acquaintance of Nadine, Asav. He is planning to use the tusk himself to push India into a civil war. Together Chloe and Nadine steal a map that will lead them to the tusk as well as a disc that’s a key.
They arrive in Western Ghats and immediately follow a trail of towers that are associated with Hindu weapons. The weapons are Ganesh’s trident, Shiva’s bow, and the axe of Parashurama, the fabled axe used to remove the tusk. They follow the trail to Halebidu, but unfortunately it was a fake and the tusk is seemingly at its older capital, Belur. Along the way, they have to fight Asav and his men, but in doing so, they lose the disc. They have to follow Asav to get it back, but to their surprise he meets up with Samuel Drake, who’s helping them get to the tusk. This is Nadine’s first time seeing Sam since Libertalia, and she wants revenge on him. Chloe was working with Sam before he was kidnapped, which upsets Nadine and she goes her own way for a short time, eventually the two make up though.

Nadine, Chloe, and I look on at the towers in the distance.
When they get to Belur, they must solve a few puzzles, but are then taken by Asav. Asav forces Chloe to use the disc after he realizes Sam has been playing them the whole time. When Chloe uses the disc, she makes a new discovery- Ganesh allowed Parashurama to remove his tusk. Shive gave the axe to him and Ganesh didn’t want to bring shame to his father by proving the axe was useless. Asav traps Chloe, Nadine, and Sam and laves them to drown. Chloe ultimately picks the locks and they all escape. The three go after Asav to get the tusk back, but when they discover that Asav is working with Nadine’s old mercenary group Shoreline, she gets even more enraged than she was before.
Asav gives the tusk to Orca, Nadine’s former lieutenant, who’s now running Shoreline. They shoot down Orca’s helicopter and find out that Asav traded the tusk for a bomb. He’s planning on bombing the capital to trigger the civil war. Orca quickly pulls a gun on Nadine, but is saved by Sam. Nadine is then able to kill Orca. The three make their way to the train that’s holding the bomb and fight Asav. Sam switches the tracks as Chloe and Danine fight Asav, eventually trapping his leg beneath the bomb. The pair jump off the train to safety before the train flues off a bridge. Chloe and Nadine officially partner up and Sam is shocked when they reveal they will donate the tusk rather than sell it.
- Don't Ruin The Moment: Collect all the Trophies.
- Legacy Found!: Complete the Game.
- Progress Demands Sacrifice: Complete the Game in Crushing mode.
- Casual Treasure Hunter: Find 5 treasures.
- Hardcore Treasure Hunter: Find 35 treasures.
- Collector of Antiquities: Find all the treasures.
- Shake For Your Fortune: Ask Skeleseer a question.
- Token For Granted: Find a Hoysala token.
- Yas Queen: Find all the Hoysala tokens and obtain the Queen's Ruby.
- Five Finger Discount: Open 5 lockboxes.
- Picks or It Didn't Happen: Open every lockbox.
- #nofilter: Take a photo at 5 photo opportunities.
- Pics or It Didn't Happen: Take a photo at all the photo opportunities.
- Getting to Know You: Listen to all optional conversations.
- Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum: Use every gun in the game.
- Were You Counting?: Defeat an enemy with the last bullet in your handgun clip.
- 10 Up, 10 Down: Defeat 10 enemies with headshots in a row.
- Frazer. Chloe Frazer.: Defeat 5 consecutive enemies with the silenced pistol without being detected.
- Itchy Trigger Finger: Defeat 20 enemies firing from-the-hip.
- Stay and Pray: Defeat 20 enemies blind-firing from cover.
- Tip of the Hat: Stealth take-down 10 armored enemies with melee by first removing their helmets without being detected.
- Royal Demolitionist: Defeat 20 enemies with C4.
- On the Grid: Mark 30 enemies.
- I Was Never Here: Open a lockbox with enemies nearby.
- C-Phoria: Defeat 4 enemies with one C4 detonation.
- Just the Wind: Stealth take-down 15 enemies in a row.
- Now You See Me...: Break stealth and re-enter stealth successfully.
- Wingwoman: Perform 10 combo partner takedowns.
- The Way of the Warrior: Make it to the outskirts of Halebidu in Chapter 5 without using a firearm or explosive.
- The Sampler: Defeat 5 enemies, each one taking damage from a handgun, long-gun, and melee.
- Make an Entrance: Defeat enemies with the vehicle, long-gun, melee, and grenade, in that order, in 20 seconds.
- Bring in the Big Guns: Defeat 30 enemies with gold weapons.
- 4x4x4: Defeat 4 enemies with the vehicle in 20 seconds.
- Drop Me a Line: Use all the zip-lines to traverse the city.
- Your Prize: Appreciate the view at the top of the Hoysala Empire.
- Best Driver in the Business: Drive from the Ganesh mountain carving to the top of the waterfall at the Trident Fort and back in under 3 minutes.
- Flawless Gauntlet: Get through all 3 Axe Fort trials without resetting any boards.
- Quiet as a Mouse: After entering the Trident Fort, reach the door without being seen.
- Tarzana: Perform 5 grapple swings in a row without touching the ground.
- Stunt It!: Get 30 seconds of total airtime with the vehicle.
- Shadow Theater: Complete the shadow puzzle in 10 moves or less.
- Marco Po-No: Play in the water in the dam in Halebidu.
- Fingersmith: Pick a three pin lock in under 15 seconds.
- Overkill: Plant multiple C4 charges on the APC at the same time and destroy it with one massive detonation.
- Cannonball!: Perform an impressive dive from the cliff near the old railroad tracks.
- Right Under Your Nose: Destroy the helicopter without defeating any other enemies.
- Combat Racing: Ram 10 motorcycles.
- Backseat Driver: Commandeer 6 vehicles by jumping on them and kicking out the driver.
- Here, Catch!: Destroy a vehicle in Chapter 9 with an explosive.
- Let's Not Get Caught: Drive over the edge in the Western Ghats.