Saints Row IV is an action adventure game developed by Volition and published by Deep Silver. It was released for Playstation 3, Windows, and Xbox 360 on August 20, 2013. The game was remastered for Xbox One, PS4 and Linux. The remaster was released on January 19, 2015.
The game was originally conceived as a DLC for Saints Row: The Third, but was reworked and eventually became Saints Row IV. The DLC was eventually released for the fourth game. Enter the Dominatrix was released on October 22, 2013.

Let's go gang!
A few months after the end of Saints Row: The Third, the Saints are hailed as heroes after saving Steelport. MI-6 asks them to assist in stopping another terrorist plot by former STAG leader Cyrus Temple. They kill him and stop a nuclear missile from hitting Washington D.C.
Five years later the Boss is elected as President of the United States. Him and his Vice President, Keith David lead the country into a new age, potentially curing cancer and ending world hunger. Under their leadership, the earth is attacked by an alien empire called the Zin. Their leader Zinyak ends up capturing the Saints’ lieutenants before destroying the earth.
The Boss is first held captive in a computer simulation based on a 1950s sitcom, but he soon breaks free from that and are brought into a virtual Steelport. The Boss discovers, with the help from Kinzie, that since it’s a simulation, they can manipulate it and give himself powers. With the new powers, the Boss can go find his lieutenants and help set them free.

Saints, Assemble!
The Boss realizes that his old enemies keep popping up in the simulation, enemies that were around before most of his crew was there. The Boss deduces that it can only be Johnny Gat that they’re getting the info from, so they go off to find him and find out what happened. Once rescued, Gat explains that after they left him in the plane five years ago, he was abducted by Zinyak because Gat was the only person who could have stopped him.
The Saints go rally inside the simulation, but in the real world Kinzie is captured after Keith David betrays them to restore the earth. Unfortunately there is no destroying the earth and they must overload the simulation and board Zinyak’s ship. The Boss steals power armor that lets him use the same powers from the simulation in the real world. The Boss kills Zinyak in front of the Zin and takes control of the empire.
Depending on the number of loyalty missions you do, you can either go off and take over other planets and expand the Saints’ empire. If you do them all, you learn that they can time travel and can use it to restore the earth. You also discover that Zinyak was capturing historical figures throughout time and awakening Jane Austen, it’s revealed that she is the narrator of the game.
Enter the Dominatrix is an alternative version of the Zin invasion where the simulation is hijacked by an AI called the Dominatrix. Even though it was reworked from the Saints Row: The Third cancelled DLC, it uses a lot of assets from that game, including characters who weren’t in the fourth game.
The second DLC was How the Saints Save Christmas. In it you need to rescue Santa Claus who was taken by Zinyak and put into the simulation. It includes holiday themed vehicles, weapons, and outfits.