Resident Evil 5 is a third person shooter developed and published by Captom. It was released on March 5, 2009 for Xbox360 and Playstation 3. On Sep 15, 2009 it was released for Windows. The game was released for Xbox One and Playstation 4 on June 28, 2016.

Chris is looking jacked since the last time we saw him
Five years after Leon dealt with Los Iluminados, Chris travels to Africa and teams up with Sheva Alomar to take out Ricardo Irving, who’s trying to sell a bio weapon. Upon arriving in Africa, he discovers that the residents have been infected with Las Plagas. Tracking down Irving to his boat, he injects himself with the virus turning himself into a huge monster. Before he’s killed, he tells the pair to check out a nearby cave.
After investigating the cave they discover that Tricell, the company funding Chris’ security agency, the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (BSAA), is continuing Umbrella’s research, while also expanding it to create new strains, like the Uroburos strain. They also find hundreds of capsules holding test subjects, but the one marked Valentine (Jill Valentine of Resident Evil and Resident Evil 3 was Chris’ partner) is empty. Jill has been presumed dead for years.

So shooting them in the head no longer works?
Later they find out that Excella Gionne, CEO of Tricell, and Albert Wesker have teamed up to infect the world with the Uroboros virus. They start tracking the CEO, but are attacked by Wesker and a hooded figure that turns out to be a mind controlled Jill. Once they subdue Jill and take out her mind control device, they are back on the pursuit of Wesker and Gionne.
Wesker betrays Gionne and attempts to escape, but his plane is disabled mid flight and he crashes into a nearby volcano. In one last effort to kill Chris once and for all, Wesker injects himself with Uroboros Once Wesker is defeated, Jill arrives in a helicopter to rescue them. After years of trying to take down Umbrella and stop Wesker, they’ve finally done it.

Resident Evil 5 had two DLCs: Desperate Escape, Lost in Nightmares. At the time of doing these DLCs, I also went back and did the Resident Evil Revelations 2 ones: Little Miss, and The Struggle.
Desperate Escape
Lost in Nightmares
Chris and Jill are sent by the BSAA to arrest Umbrella’s founder Oswell E. Spencer and hopefully find information on where Albert Wesker is. After making their way through his estate, they finally find him dead with Wesker standing over him. The two fight Wesker and just as he is about to kill Chris, Jill steps in and is thrown out of a window to her apparent death.