Lonely Mountains: Snowriders is a skiing game developed and published by Megagon Industries. It was released on January 21, 2025 for Windows and Xbox Series X/S. It is a sequel to their first game Lonely Mountains: Downhill. The game focuses on skiing down beautiful mountain landscapes. Players can perform tricks, discover shortcuts, and race against the clock to achieve the fastest times.
- Ramming Through: Unlock a second pair of skis.
- Snake Charmer: Unlock a third pair of skis.
- RUN, Cheetah Run!: Unlock a fourth pair of skis.
- Free like a bird: Unlock a fifth pair of skis.
- Peace and Quiet: Find one resting spot.
- Under the Pines: Find all resting places on Tannenstein.
- Path to Paradise: Find all resting places on Monte Guanaco.
- It's all Downhill from here: Cross your first finish line.
- The Monte is Calling: Unlock Monte Guanaco.
- Riding High: Unlock Sierra Gelida.
- Just Trailing: Finish all Blue Slope Challenges on Tannenstein.
- Born to ride!: Finish all Black Slope Challenges on Tannenstein.
- Off the beaten trails: Finish all Blue Slope Challenges on Monte Guanaco.
- Offroad King: Finish all Black Slope Challenges on Monte Guanaco.
- Fast and Freezing: Finish all Blue Slope Challenges on Sierra Gelida.
- Master of the Snowy Mountains: Finish all Black Slope Challenges on Sierra Gelida.
- Boooh!: Unlock ghost mode for the first time.
- Ghost Buster: Beat your best time in ghost mode.
- The journey is the destination: Ride one Trail in Zen Mode.
- Free Fallin: Jump for 4 seconds.
- Sdrawkcab!: Ride Backwards for 200 meters.
- No brakes, high stakes!: Ride 90 seconds without braking.
- Like Having Wings: Reach a speed of 35 m/s.
- Master of the Element: Ride on Water for 3 seconds.
- Spin the Rider: Land a 360 Spin successfully.
- You spin my head right round: Land a 720 Spin successfully.
- Have a save Flip: Land a front- / backflip successfully.
- Flippin' Awesome: Land a double front- / backflip successfully.
- Smash 'n' Grab: Hold a Grab for 3 seconds and land successfully.
- Mix it Up!: Land a combination of a flip or spin and grab successfully.
- Master Trickster: Land a combination of a flip, spin, and grab successfully.
- Jump to Safety: Do at least 25 Jumps in a Run.
- Holding On: Do at least 19 Grabs in a Run.
- Flip like a Switch: Do 13 backflips, frontflips, or spins in a Run.
- Perfect Ride!: Ride a trail without crashing.
- Badge of Honor: Receive 20 Badges.
- Teamwork makes the dream work: Finish at least the first goal during a Team mode run.
- We are the Champions!: Finish all goals during a Team mode run.
- To The Races: Take part in a Racing mode run.
- Race like you mean it: Reach 1st-3rd place on a Racing mode Run with at least 4 players.
- Watch Me Ride: Spectate another player.
- With a little help from my friends: Recover 20 other players.
- Training Day: Reach the Finish Line of the Training Ground.
- Unstoppable: Finish all the Training Ground Challenges.