Detroit: Become Human is a 2018 adventure game developed by Quantic Dream and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game takes place in Detroit and follows three androids who have become self aware. There’s Kara, who becomes sentient trying to protect a little girl, Markus, who becomes sentient after his owner dies and his death is places on him, and Connor, who hunts down sentient androids. If and when Connor becomes sentient is up to the player.

Detroit Become Human going live image
Detroit Become Human has some amazing choices you can make that determine the outcome of the game. Unlike some other games, you might skip whole sections or not be able to make choices later in the game if your choices early on aren’t in line with them.
While my game got the good ending with very little bloodshed, you can go through the game and have one of your androids die in almost every scene you play as them. You can be peaceful or you can be a tyrant, the choices are yours.

Connor, what are you doing?
The whole premise of the game is what makes someone human. Is it flesh and organs or is it being able to think on their own and going against their programming? If an android feels scared and defends itself, does that make it a bad robot? Should it be punished for doing what a human would do in the same situation?

LED strips in their heads are one of the easiest ways to spot an android.
When an android needs to fit in, they remove their LED strip, cut their hair, change its style and color, and then get new clothes. Without the LED strip though it is nearly impossible to distinguish an android from a human, especially one that can mimic emotions. What happens when a robot feels emotions though? What happens when an android loves? What happens when an android is afraid? Is it then any less human than us?