Crackdown 3 is an action-adventure game developed by Sumo Digital and published by Microsoft Studios for Microsoft Windows and Xbox One. After being announced in 2014, the game was delayed numerous times and eventually released in 2019. The game starred and was heavily promoted by Terry Crews.

Crackdown 3 going live picture.
Crackdown 3 gave people more of what Crackdown 1 and 2 had, but with very little innovation and difference. While the game had mixed reviews, it did give people what they loved about the first two games.

Fuck yea, Terry Crews!
Terry Crews was definitely the highlight of the game for me. While he was only speaking in the first few minutes during a cut scene to setup the game, you can play as him. I wish they would have included some lines while playing as him. Maybe some “WOO” or “YEA BABY TERRY LOVES YOGURT” something like that.

Look who it is!
At the end of the game, like the end of the first game, it’s teased that there is much more going on and a deeper conspiracy is at play. Whether or not this will play into future games or if there will be anymore games is yet to be seen.