For a while I had articles up and I was happy with them for a while, but then I wasn’t. I realized with the articles I was writing as if they were just factual and only news, but I didn’t want that, I wanted to have my opinion and my voice in there. I have absorbed the articles under blogs, so this way I can write and give an opinion and not feel guilty about it not being just the facts. All the articles still exist, they just changed to be under the blogs now.
I’ve missed writing and I want to write more. Just over the last few days, between the CNN+ and Playstation Plus blog posts, I’ve done more writing than I have in a while. For CNN+ I didn’t really get into much of an opinion and kept it pretty factual, but when it came to PS+ I went more in depth with a personal side of things. Expect to see more of that kind of thing on here. While articles were fun, they lacked me, a me that I feel I can put into blogs easier. I highly doubt I will be able to do a blog a day like I’ve been doing though, between work and creating other kinds of content, it doesn’t seem feasible, but if there’s something I want to give an opinion on or write about, it will most likely be put up.
Since I am a nerd and into technology, video games, 3d printing and other things like that, expect to see more writings about those kinds of things. Hopefully I can get to the point that I want to with this, but I am feeling reinvigorated now for some reason, so maybe the drive I have can keep me going.