In America there seems to be more and more teenagers that need help. Schools can’t deal with these kids because the schools have 2000 students or more and they can’t keep track of one student whose in trouble, so that student may fall through the cracks. The fact is though that kids nowadays have more problems than can be fixed, or even recognized by schools. That’s where parents have to step in and know how and when to recognize when their child, or one of their friends have a problem.
There is a website called Teen Help that will help you to identify when a child is in need of help. They are professionals with over twenty years of experience with troubled teenagers. Nowadays far too many teenagers fall through the cracks and end up living on the street, or worse.
As a society if a teenager does something bad, we usually blame a form of media. In 1999, after the Columbine shooting occurred, there was an uproar that placed the blame on the music the kids listened to and to the video games they played. The truth is that while that may have played some factor in it, there were warning signs that went unnoticed by their parents and teachers. If someone had taken noticed and attempted to get those students help, thenmaybe we would have never heard of Columbine High School.
If you suspect one of your children is in trouble, or their friends, then please, don’t hesitate to get help. We don’t want to one day hear of Nowhereville Iowa High School because of a tragedy that could have been prevented had someone stepped up and recognized a problem before it was too late.