I don’t use my computer for gaming, I used to for some RTS, but mainly that is what my XBox is for. Because I don’t,…
I don’t use my computer for gaming, I used to for some RTS, but mainly that is what my XBox is for. Because I don’t,…
We may have figured out a way to actually afford to move. It involves getting a cheap mortgage and working our butts off, but I…
Beautiful isn’t it? That’s the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia. I would love go visit Australia one day. To see the Sydney Harbour or the…
I’ve been addicted to the Office for a few years now, well this is the first time I am watching the season finale, and I…
I found AndrewTalk.com and I think it is pretty interesting. He blogs about everything, kinda like I do. From making money to personal stuff, to…
I’ve been interested in investing in the stock market for a while now, I just am afraid I would lose all my money, especially with…
It has always been my dream to own my own business.I’m talking like a startup video game company, or a programming firm. I think I…
My cousin is diabetic. He has a diabetic pump, instead of insulin shots. I’ve watched him a few times, it is really much more convenient…
I love Ray-ban Sunglasses, the problem with that is they are very expensive. My all time favorite sunglasses are the ones that Morpheus wore in…
I’ve had Comcast since I moved to Delaware. I have to say they aren’t bad. Before I moved, the internet would go out every few…
I’ve always had acne. Sometimes I would have a clear face, and other times it would come back and it would be worse than before….
Someone emailed me earlier this week about why I talk about the Wii and the 360, but don’t say anything about the Playstation 3. There…