The new Johnny Depp movie looks pretty interesting. You should visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site to find out more about the movie. It doesn’t seem to be like other movies, this one has a site set up for you to confess your acts of revenge.
I don’t know what I would post about. I am not sure what revenge I have gotten against people. I pretty much let things go, unless they really piss me off, but that is usually taken care of right then and there. I don’t wait and go back and get revenge for something later on down the line, that isn’t my style.
I know people who have waited and then when the time was right they would torment them, either by turning people against them or by just embarrassing them to no end. One time this girl was the bud of a food fight and was covered in spaghetti because they were a mean person and finally got someone to the point of getting everyone who that person was mean to to go against them and pull together to all out wail with food on her. What do you do to get your revenge on people?
visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace