Have you ever needed money for something, but just didn’t have it? Did you know that you can get between $200 and $1500 with Payday…
Have you ever needed money for something, but just didn’t have it? Did you know that you can get between $200 and $1500 with Payday…
I started writing up the Spiderman 3 synopsis. It should be done either tonight or within the next few days. I don’t know because I…
Is there anything more majestic than New York City in the winter? New York City is a wonderful place all year long, but there is…
Well I updated WordPress to the latest version. I had some problems with it at first, but I think it was due to something in…
I have been thinking a lot about going back to school. I was planning on doing it when we moved, but since our move has…
I might be upgrading WordPress either tonight or tomorrow, so if the website goes down then you know why. I have to back everything up…
My great grandfather was a firefighter. I am pretty sure that he died while fighting a fire actually. I guess maybe because I know that…
You know people go to war for believing in what they do. They fight and get killed for believing in their God. What does it…
Is your business lacking something? Are the employees and the emlpoyer just not putting their all into it? Ten maybe you need a business mentor….
The hard drive came today. I was a little shocked that it was a SATA when I swore that it was an EIDE one, but…
I have never played Paintball, I have been invited, I have seen it in movies and on television, but I have never actually played. Don’t…
I know my car will not last forever. I know the harsh reality is that most likely in the next year or two I am…