Everybody buys things online, from clothing to bathroom fixtures. There shouldn’t be any problem with that, there isn’t any need to go out and find…
Good Day in the Flooring World
My Plans for Today
Depending on how much work I need to get done today, I am planning on sitting down and watching the Spiderman 3 DVD. While I…
Krissy and I want to get into making pottery again. I used to make bowls in high school and then sell them. It may sound…
October 2007 Totals
[Edit]The money listed here is only what I have made off my website and is not the only amount that I pull in. I have…
I was showing my mother this online makeover program. You can use it to change your hair style, hair color, facial hair anything really. It…
License to Wed
We just watched License to Wed, and I must say that it was a lot better than I thought. I mean I knew a movie…
Music Software
I used to take guitar lessons at school, and I can somewhat play, or at least fake playing the keyboard. I like music, I would…
Custom Games
Bungie has a Halloween playlist up, it is all Infection. Since Halo 2 Infection was one of my favorite games. It is a special treat…
It seems that everyone in my family has some sort of hair loss. My mother is losing her hair and my father has never had…
Spiderman 4 Writer Hired
I am very excited by this news, James Vanderbilt who recently polished the script for the movie XMen Origins:Wolverine, has been hired to write the…
Black Friday
Is there a scarier day than Black Friday? If you work in retail you know how people cram into stores to buy stuff for Christmas…
My Wishlist
A few days ago I promised that a previous section of my site would be returning. Late last night it did, I have put up…