I have been a tutor and I have been tutored. I used to give teachers and tutors a hard times when I was younger. Now…
They have it Rough
Picked Up Spiderman 3
I did pick up the two disk special edition Spiderman 3 early this morning when we went to Walmart. I also watched the movie today….
Sometimes It’s Hard
When I was in Delaware tech I was a tutor. It wasn’t anything hard for me really, it was just English and reading. Like all…
Not Moving
The complex was apparently sold to someone else and no one can get in touch with their the seller or the buyer, so we aren’t…
Tech Bargains
There are two things in this world that I love, bargains and technology. When I found a website that specialized in tech bargains, I was…
Programming Oddities 1: Disabling a Submit Button
I am going to try something new. I am a programmer, and I like to people out as much as I can. When I found…
Destination Weddings
The talk of weddings and marriage have been coming up a lot. It is probably due to the fact that we know a couple people…
Not Feeling Well
I am not really feeling well, it probably has something to do with Bella stealing the blanket last night, so I am going to be…
Howard Miller
I have talked before about how I like very odd things, and things that you normally wouldn’t find in everybody’s home. Well I was looking…
Beach No More
We headed off to the beach last night to see the waves and it was really nice. Hurricane Noel was making the beach disappear with…
I have a steady client, and my website helps me make money each month, but besides from that I am also a freelance programmer. Do…
500 Gigs
I decided that I will be getting a camcorder someday because I want to get into movie making/editing. Even if I just get a DV-R…