I can’t believe that it is that time of year to tell everyone about the Alzheimer’s Memory Walk. This year alone, more than 200,000 people…
Alzheimer’s Walk 2008
So Many Boxes
Two boxes for comic books is $22.00, I went on eBay and got 10 for $15.00. After I ordered I realize that I don’t have…
For the Smell of God
I like smelling things that some people may consider odd, or even dangerous. I sniff Sharpie markers, and I will linger around a gas station…
Let’s Go VP
I have come to the realization that just because Bush has been a horrible president that doesn’t mean we will have a democratic one for…
Michael Phelps Visa Card
Michael Phelps is all over the place. He is constantly being talked about on television and the radio, and now he can be on your…
New York Library Card
Krissy has been working the last few days so I have had the place to myself. I still can’t seem to get work done during…
New Jersey Vacation
I love New Jersey, I hated it when I lived there, but not living there for over two years, you realize how much stuff there…
Coupons Can Help
The economy is horrible right now. Some people blame Bill Clinton, others blame George W. Bush. I think everyone knows who I blame, but putting…
Mafia Wars
I got addicted to the Mafia Wars app on Myspace. Not only is it fun to play, but it is also a really good way…
Over $600 for my Car
I spent over $600 on my car today. I am sick of paying for all these repairs. I am just hoping that this is the…
Myspace Crossposter
I installed the Myspace crossposting WordPress plugin and I am trying to see how well it works. If everything goes well then this will be…
Why No Video Posts?
I have been trying to come up with more interesting video posts, but so far I have been unable to come up with any ideas….