I hope everyone had a good New Year’s. We had a good time on our mini vacation. From our hotel room we could see fireworks,…
Starting 2011 Right
Appreciate the Little Things
After our little separation I think Kris and I really appreciate each other more now and appreciate the little things. Christmas was pretty good, I…
Time Management
There’s only a few days until Christmas. This year seems extra busy for us, Thursday we are heading out with some friends, Friday we are…
Better than Ever
If you have been following Krissy’s blog the last few weeks you would have seen what’s been going on. In all honesty there was a…
Going to the Scream Park
Yes this is another post to tell you how busy I am and no I will not be going into details as to what it…
The Guild
With Red vs Blue ending their season a few weeks ago and Webzeroes ending their series a while back, I found myself strangely missing videos…
My Own Worste Enemy
This is my second post from my phone. Just so you all know, yesterday’s entry posted fine, my only issue is that none of my…
My Life is Stale
I’ve been working very hard the last week or so trying to finish some stuff up. Unfortunately that means that I have been neglecting my…
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Card
I am loving my new phone (the Droid 2). I’m still trying to learn all the features and different things that I can do with…
I have to Wait for My New Phone
Our phones are here. They are sitting about 6 feet away from me in a Fed Ex box, but I promised Kris that I wouldn’t…
Twist of Fate
In a weird twist of fate from yesterday’s blog, I’ve actually not only preordered Halo Reach, but also purchased two Droid 2 phones, all of…
Busy as a… What is so Busy?
I’ve been very busy the last few days, yesterday I had three meetings and today I have two. I haven’t even had time to go…