We were shorthanded on Saturday so guess who had to go on the truck and do deliveries? That’s right. I am happy to announce that…
I Didn’t Break Anything
Loss for Words
I picked up a copy of X-Men 3 yesterday, mainly because of the emphasis they were putting on the deleted scenes and alternate endings. but…
Back from Ohio
I left for Ohio, Friday afternoon around 12. I get there at 7 or 8, and we go and check out the place they rented…
So I know I haven’t really been around much on here or on the internet in general, but I have been busy with going to…
Back from the Wedding
So I just got back from my best friend’s wedding. I was there this past weekend and I am going to Ohio for the reception…
Just Got Paid
About a month ago I put up a blog where I wrote PayPerPost.com, and some people told me that it was a scam, that nobody…
So as you may or may not have heard Steve Irwen, the crocodile hunter, died today. He didn’t die from a crocodile, however, instead he…
A New Blog
Okay so I got some emails reguarding why I was ditching PHPBB, but the fact is I am not ditching anything, only adding to the…
WordPress Test
This is a test of the wordpress-PHPBB integration. You will not be allowed to comment until I reopen the forum add some stronger spam controls…
I keep getting spammed and I’m trying to install some WordPress thing, so the blog will be locked for a few days so I don’t…
Catcher in the Rye
Work is all right, my body adjusted to moving furniture and now I can move pretty much anything they throw at me. It seems to…
One Month
Ever have that one special person in your life that it may seem crazy and impossible to work, but somehow it just does, somehow your…