I am really behind on comments, even with Despair. Maybe this weekend, I will go through and comment on all the people who have commented…
Behind on Comments
I like Free Stuff
I like free stuff. Who doesn’t? I especially love when people send me some free things without me asking for them. Usually they are just…
Anniversary is Saturday
Krissy and I are going to be together for one year this coming Saturday. We probably won’t be going to dinner until Monday, though, because…
I like Celebrity News
Everywhere you look it seems like someone in Hollywood is doing something that if they did it and they weren’t a celebrity then no body…
Sonic the Hedgehog XBLA
I wrote before about how I bought Sonic Mega Collection Plus for the Playstation 2, well last week Sonic the Hedgehog was released for the…
I want to play Paintball
I’ve been invited to play paintball several times now. I really want to play, it’s just things kept coming up that I was unable to…
It is Hot
Remember the Leprakhauns Word Count Plugin? Well now you can use it whether you are using the visual editor or the other one. You can…
Coupons Galore
I usually don’t go to Best Buy often, in fact I like the concept, but the prices are sometimes a bit too high. The last…
Krissy picked up a copy of this month’s GamePro magazine and I am sure glad she did. In it it discusses Grand Theft Auto IV. …
Credit Cards
I am in debt with my credit cards. I mean the only good thing about them is that I got a season pass for Six…
My Graphics Card, She is Dying
I believe that my ATI Radeon 9550 is dying, though I am not sure. See I have a dual monitor setup one with VGA and…
Increase the Cashflow
I live in a resort town and the businesses down here seem to really struggle once the off season comes. I mean restaurants go from…