I got Myspace message from my friend the other day. I haven’t seen or heard from him since eighth grade so I was kind of…
Drug Addiction
Myspace Groups
I love the groups that Myspace has, it gives people a chance to come together with the same interests and discuss things that are important…
Furniture store
I worked in a furniture before. I’ve worked at more than my fair share of retail outlets. I’ve never worked at a place like Gallery…
Grr to Bungie
I put Halo 2 into my Xbox 360 and what used to work fine, now has the error that I am missing maps. Now I…
I like the Goth Girls
Before I was dating Krissy, I was on a lot of dating websites. None of them really offered what I wanted, though. I have a…
Happy Anniversary
It’s our anniversary today. She’s going to cook me dinner, Chick Fried Chicken, and I am taking her out on Monday to the Olive Garden….
I want a Garage
We don’t have a garage here. When we move, I am making sure it is someplace with a nice big one where I can fit…
Aegis Wing
I downloaded Aegis Wing on XBOX Live last night. It is a free download and so for a free game, it isn’t that bad. It…
Financial Help
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the future. I’ve been hanging out at the 401k retirement forums, just to get a good idea…
Harry Who?
Never read the books. Never saw the movies. I’ve kind of been curious, but I never did see the big deal with Harry Potter. My…
Can’t Concentrate
I am feeling uninspired lately. I want to do a lot a with this site but I don’t have any motivation. I did some work…
We want a Gazebo
Krissy and I have been throwing around ideas for what we want in a house. We are pretty close on what we want, but the…