Greeting cards get more and more predictable every year. For the most part, the most effort someone puts in the greeting card itself is the to someone, from someone. Even the blank ones, the most thing they write is either Happy Birthday or whatever holiday it is that they are giving you the card for. What happened to greeting cards that were supposed to mean something? I mean what is the point of giving out these cookie cutter cards anyway?
There is a solution though, customized greeting cards. You can choose from a variety of different fronts and then write the message that you want inside of the card. Say you like one particular kind of card, and you want to send it to all your friends when their birthday roll around. All you do is find one you like from all of the birthday cards that they have, and then write a message that will go on the inside of the cards. This is my favorite birthday card that they have, I don’t really know why, I might just have a soft spot for fireworks, I don’t know. I know that it is the one I would pick one if I got to choose which one to receive though.