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3 Responses to “My Own Worste Enemy”

  1. Misha says:

    I think we all have high expectations for the future, and it’s probably not the best thing because we’re most likely going to be disappointed, even if we’re successful, because it’s not as much as we had hoped for.
    I think we’re all our own worst enemies. It’s so true! We criticize ourselves, make ourselves feel worthless, and decide our own fate.
    Even I’m a mess right now, but I think in time, we’re just going to know what we want and we won’t have to think about it. We’ll just know. 🙂

  2. Ashley says:

    I know exactly how you feel, I’m about to turn 25 in January. It’s weird thinking I will be a quarter of a century old and I can vividly remember being 16 thinking it was taking forever for my senior year of high school to come; now I’m getting closer and closer to 30 and I’m no where near where I had hoped to be at this point in my life. I will say that I found someone to love and hopefully spend the rest of my life with, but as for the career aspect of my life, that hasn’t gone as planned. I to need to go back to college and hope to do so before I’m 30. I don’t want to be that 30-year-old in class because I think college should be a memorable experience to further your life, but also socialize and meet new friends. I imagine when you’re the 30-year-old it’s harder to make friends in college. I’m thankful that I can still pass for an 18-year-old and I’m hoping I continue to age the way that I have been. haha. Anyway, congrats on getting a lot of your debt paid off, I have quite a bit myself which is scary.

  3. Monnii Bee says:

    You are only as old as you feel. If you feel closer to 20 than 30, then you are closer to 20 than 30 =]

    I don’t even want to think about debt right now =S I have to start looking at scholarships to pay for more of my schooling now.

    And going back to school after a long break can be strange too. I mean, it’s hard for me to get motivated to go back after summer vacation let alone a year or two. But think about how much good it could do you in the end. you get to learn a lot and it may lead you to better job opportunities.

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