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24 Responses to “Still Owe PayPal”

  1. Kimm says:

    I’m sorry but that’s bullsh*t, they should pay you and the others why should you go into the red because of their carelessness. Hope it is solved soon.

  2. Carissa says:

    It’s for the duration of the entire class. I think of the class as… Baby Programming. If I remember correctly, the next step up is some form of C, and that sounded scary to just jump right into.

    My parents haven’t been together for 16 years. I thought I mostly had the time management down, but I’ve been spending more time with my mom lately because 1) she has a nice boyfriend, so it’s not just the two of us and the house seems more alive and 2) I’ve got my own room. It’s unbalancing the once-perfect (from my point of view) system that I had. :/


    I have difficulty coming up with responses to your blog… I’m too inexperienced to be able to relate, or even sympathize sometimes. Bleh.

  3. Jannicke says:

    Google is your friend, there has to be SOME norwegian online translators?:0

    Btw, I didn’t take that picture! It’s stolen from some place on Google.. (A) It’s taken from the dome of St. Peter’s Church in Rome, I plan on taking one myself on 5 months. (Going to Rome for the second time!)

  4. Cecilie says:

    That really does suck about the money issues:S Good to hear that your paycheck is coming soon:)

  5. Georgina says:

    I’m actually a fan of dark chocolate. πŸ˜€

    Ughh, 400 dollars. What luck. Good luck paying it back though.

    I hope you have an okay trip. I remember a while ago when I went overseas I had to take my schoolwork with me because we were going the whole holiday. O_o

  6. Tiff says:

    Your situation sucks, hope things brighten up soon.

  7. tiff k says:

    Hope they pay you! It does indeed suck if you don’t. Urgh.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! Yeah it was kind of weird… that girl being carried… but whoa. I have no idea how that happened.

  8. Chrys says:

    Ouch, sucks that you didn’t get paid. That’s never happened to me but I would be so frustrated if it did.

    Ahhh, I’m so envious that you have a Mac!! I want one, haha.

    And yeah, this is my first semester at university and so far so good, I must say πŸ˜›

  9. Bea says:

    thank you! πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your trip to Atlantic City!
    I hope you find an extra job, I wish you good luck πŸ™‚

  10. Carissa says:

    With monetary experience in general and how it really works in the world. πŸ˜›

  11. kissliin says:

    How can you owe Paypal? I thought it is like you pay through Paypal? Now I’m scared to make an account.

    Oh, so that’s how I got lots of followers. Do you know how I can like approve of them first before they can follow me?

  12. Do says:

    hope you have fun in your trip πŸ™‚
    and yup lady gaga’s the one who sings poker face πŸ™‚ and you should really listen to miley’s song party in the usa

  13. Alice says:

    Some people are such bitches, excuse my language. I hope it isn’t too much of a hassle to get it paid off and that you have a most excellent trip!

  14. Shauna says:

    Owing paypal sucks. I hope you get that straightened out soon. I had a mishap with them before over an ebay item and it was hell to get it straightened out.

  15. Sakura says:

    I’m confused with accrual accounting…

  16. Angelica says:

    Have fun on your trip! πŸ™‚

  17. Bella says:

    Thats bullshit. Hopefully you get it figured out.
    On a good note, have a good trip!

  18. Amy says:

    Yeah, Tim Curry and a few others in drag. You should definitely see the movie. Or go to see it when it comes to a cinema nearby (audience participation, woo!).

    Have a good trip! Hopefully you’ll get all that money business sorted out soon. Good luck.

    I already have a couple of those programs on my computer. I don’t understand why installing it broke your printer though, that seems pretty random. Stupid programs.

  19. Hope you get payed for your work. I get nervous when my payment is delayed a few days, it has to suck so much more if you know someone is trying to get rid of you without paying you.

  20. Aly says:

    That’s terrible about being ripped off by CrushDollars. πŸ™ I hope you can get this mess sorted out (preferably out of court, since that would surely cost a lot more than the amount owed to you anyway!) and get the money you earned. This Troy guy sounds like a real con artist. πŸ™ Anyway, at least you’ve got your trip to Atlantic City to look forward to! That sounds like a lot of fun, hope you have a wonderful time! πŸ™‚

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