I like WordPress. I put off doing it for so long because I had everything integrated into the forums, but now I can see why people flock to this program. If you want to be a member of the forums, the registration is still available, with it you can play games and compete for the high score against other people. You also get your own photo albums, for the time being.  Anything is subject to change now though, because I am no longer using them as a blog.
In other news I haven’t heard anyone blowing off their finger so that is good. I brought back Spiderman 3 yesterday. I liked the game, but I beat it and there isn’t much to do after you beat it, so I am retracting my previous statement and not buying it at this time.   I will be looking into Spiderman Friend or Foe when it comes out this fall though.
Can anyone suggest some WordPress plugins? Preferably some that adds content without much effort? Or suggest things you’d like to see in general, not having to do with WordPress.