1. Describe your first kiss.
Thinking back on it, it was very sloppy and many years ago.
2. Should a person’s pubic hair be trimmed, shaved, or just grown out as the jungle God intended it to be?
Shaved. If they are uncomfortable with a razor, then trimmed definitely. The jungle below is very unsexy.
3. What’s the best super-hero comic book movie ever made?
I wish I could say Spiderman, but Batman Begins beats it hands down.
4. Coke or Pepsi?
5. Have you ever been caught masturbating?
I think everybody has been caught with their hand in their pants a time or two in their lives.
6. Which way do you lean your head when going for a kiss?
To the right apparently. (Thanks Krissy)
7. Jockstraps, sexy or no?
Whether they are sexy or not is irrelevant, they are uncomfortable.