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14 Responses to “Anticipating February 28th”

  1. Chynna says:

    Ooooh, the anticipation! You’re so close to moving – must be exciting 🙂 Wishing you luck with everything!

  2. Jenn says:

    A 6-bedroom house?! That is so awesome. 🙂 I can only imagine how excited you guys must be. I hope these next few weeks pass by smoothly and without any snags!

  3. Jamie says:

    Congratulations! A 6 bedroom house? Wow! That is awesome! I remembered getting a two story Victorian house on my birthday. My dad asked my Grandmother (when she was alive) and I both if we wanted it and both said yes! However, that slowly changed when my dad’s girlfriend moved in and I moved out. No longer my dad’s and my house. It’s THEIR house. I hate that! But those little things like fixing the roof shouldn’t be a problem. *crosses fingers*.

    RE: I don’t mind if I find someone in the same field as I do, but I just want to go to school get the good grades work with others if I have to on a project. If a friend comes out of it – great, if not oh well. The only reason why I don’t want friends is because they intend to hold you back on things. I know from first hand experience. I took Japanese 1 and was held back from doing what I wanted to do all because my friend was cocky and conceited about getting an A in the class. That right there made me lose interest in the class and in our friendship as I didn’t realize she was that conceited. But anyway – I did much better on my own terms when I took Chinese 1 and passed with a B+. Japanese I passed with a C- (barely made it but I stuck it out).

    So it’s not really a selfish thing to me I don’t think because I want the good grades and not having people hold me back. My boyfriend of course will help me with things I don’t understand and what not and I him. So that works out for the better. But friends intend to hold people back so to speak.

  4. Veronica says:

    I know how annoying and hard it is to find a house, I’ve had to do it a few times. But it’s so great that you got a 6-bedroom house! That must be huge. Good luck with all of it!

  5. Melissa says:

    How exciting! I hope everything will be on papers soon! I myself recently bought a house too so I know what you’re going through! 😉 Good luck! 😀

  6. Angelica says:

    WOW!! That’s excellent. My mom just bought a house and didn’t get an inspection (because she was worried about the cost) and there is SO much wrong with her house. I’m glad ya’ll got that taken care of. Let’s just say if I ever buy a house, my mom won’t let me go without an inspection!!! lol

    Hopefully it closes sooner so it can just be over ~~

    So happy for you guys!!! 🙂

  7. Kimm says:

    Congrats and before you know it it will be Feb 28th.

  8. Nicole says:

    Very nice! As long as you have a plan for all the things that need fixing around the house, then you’re set and can enjoy this moment. I wish you the best with the whole process and hope everything goes smoothly. Let’s hope the sellers move out sooner so you can start getting settled at the new house.

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  9. Agent Q says:

    Oooh what an exciting development! A 6-BR house for 30+ years will be a good investment, even with the reappraisal due to inspections. Feb. 28 will come soon enough, and I hope the move runs smoothly. It’s nice how you and the seller are flexible with the move-in date. Hopefully they’ll be done sooner than later. 🙂

  10. Ang says:

    I hated the whole buying a home process, lol, but unfortunately I’m sure I’ll be doing it again a couple of years down the line. It’s likely we’ll probably build from the ground up or get an old house that we can renovate which sounds like something you’re doing.

    I know the waiting game is a pain in the butt, so I wish the best of luck. Hopefully, you’re able to close sooner than you think!

  11. Hiro says:

    Wow! A 6 bedroom house!! That’s so exciting, though the repair things don’t seem so fun. I thought I recalled my parents having to get the previous owners of the house to fix things before we bought the house. Is it an optional thing? Like you can demand the price of house to be cheaper if they wanted to sell it to you with damaged places? I thought the issue here was that they couldn’t even sell the house unless the things were fixed, because of some rule or another.

  12. Nancy says:

    Hopefully this is the last time you are set back to the negotiation stage. Since today is Tuesday, I’ll assume that things are better by now? Otherwise, it sounds like things are going well with the loans/mortgages. Fixing things up around the house doesn’t sound like too much work… Unless you’re trying to replace something big on your own, aha. You have a lot of plans going on! It’s so awesome that you’re getting a 6-bedroom house! It sounds like a mansion compared to the houses in LA, haha.

    February 28 is a month away! Keep on doing what you can and I’m sure things will work out 🙂

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  14. Rochelle says:

    That seems to be a lot of work that you need to put into the house :3

    I hope that everything goes well for you and that you don’t run into too many things that need to be fixed, once you move.

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