On Friday I went to the cardiologist to find out if I could be a Marfan. According to him he didn’t think so, nut wants to shove a tube down my throat and do an MRI just to make sure. My aunt left that night and the following day I came up to New York to register for classes and see my girlfriend.
So far there hasn’t been any good news with school or money otherwise. The school wants me to take out a 17000 dollar loan which would be in my mother’s name, which isn’t good. After I heard that, me and the girlfriend hit the library looking for grants for school or business, but so far have come up empty handed.
I’m going to be leaving back for Delaware within the next few days so I can schedule my testing, get some work done, and be there with my mother when she has the MRI done. All in all besides the fact that I’ve been with my baby, the week has pretty much sucked.
I’ll return comments on the last entry when I get home.