Lep and Steel Earth play Rocket League and talk about Batman vs Superman, Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and more!
Lep and Steel Earth play Rocket League and talk about Batman vs Superman, Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and more!
Lep and Steel Earth play the Division. Part 3 of the game here where we unlock more of the medical wing and some of the tech wing.
I was playing Assassin’s Creed Unity and I got stuck in a building I wasn’t supposed to be in.
I was playing Dead Rising 3 and I got stuck, literally.
It’s Lep Vs Steel Earth in a 1 vs 1 matchh (and maybe some 1 vs 1 plus AI matches). Who will win? Who will lose? And who will get stuck with the dumbest AI possible? FIND OUT!
Lep and Steel Earth play Rocket League and discuss cum tasting, X-Men, ToeJam & Earl, Punisher, Daredevil, big black dicks, and more.
Lep and Steel Earth play the Division again and unlock more stuff that we don’t really know how to use.
Lep and SteelEarth play The Division on Xbox One.
Lep plays GTA Online’s latest Adversary Mode- Sumo, before ending the stream with a Rhino Hunt.
Lep and SteelEarth play some Rocket League and randomly it stops streaming.
Lep and Steelearth play Rocket League and Steelearth cums on their faces.
Lep and Steel Earth play the Awakening Zombie Map on Black Ops 3 for the first time.
Lepslair and Steelearth84 play Rocket League with the new Party Broadcast feature that’s available to Preview Members
How does Steelearth feel about the new Blazing Wings at Wild Wings?
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