Let me explain what is going on. First off I know I am behind on my Despair comments, but there is good reason for that….
Let Me Explain
Glow Sticks
If we end up moving before Halloween, I think I might throw a house warming party. See I know a couple people in Ohio and…
We Found a Place
We found a place we really like online, now all there is to it is to get out to Ohio to look at the apartment…
Gossip Girl
I don’t think I have ever used my blog to spread gossip, mainly because I am against starting trouble on the internet. I mean I…
Taking Control
I have gotten really sick of Adbrite telling me they fixed the popup problem then it coming up again, so I took control and am…
Myspace Quizzes and Surveys
I like Myspace, from the groups to the pointless bulletins that people occasionally post. I have found a website that has funny MySpace surveys that…
Working from Bed
The bed is extremely comfortable. In fact it is so comfortable that I have been working from it all day. I am fine, not sick…
Video Phone
We have narrowed down where we want to live, almost to the exact place we want to live in. It’s a house in Ohio. Now…
We Have a New Bed
I just woke up from falling asleep on the new bed. It was delivered today and it is really soft (this is the first time…
Krissy’s Cleaning
Krissy is cleaning the bedroom because the bed is coming tomorrow. I hope it fits in the house. I tried to help her before, but…
Cramer and the Stock Market
It is no shock to anyone that this country is in need of repair. The economy needs help. There aren’t any jobs here in the…
Drawing Tutorials
If anyone has any tutorials on how to draw, can you send them to me. I want to learn how to draw, I always have…